All lecturers and employees of the West Coast University of Applied Sciences can apply for funding by the EU programme ERASMUS+ when planning to spend some time abroad in Europe. ERASMUS+ supports university staff during multiple activities from guest lectures abroad to language courses or partner visits across Europe.

Please find more information on the funding opportunities and the application requirements in the boxes below.


Erasmus+ supports guest lectureships at European partner universities that have a valid Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE). Lecturer mobilities should aim at developing joint study programmes and promote the exchange of learning content and methods.

Duration of stay: minimum 2 days, maximum 60 days (provided that sufficient Erasmus+ funds are available).
Minimum number of teaching hours: 8 teaching hours per week

Eligible participants:

  • Professors and lecturers with a contractual relationship to the West Coast UAS
  • Emeritus professors and retired lecturers
  • Research assistants
  • Teaching assistants


Erasmus+ allows for training of higher education staff in programme countries to enhance internationalisation. In this sense, higher education staff from a German higher education institution that is holding an ECHE can be supported to spend time at another higher education institution holding an ECHE or at any other institution established in another programme country (the host institution needs to be active in the labour market or in the fields of education, training or youth). The aim of this mobility measure is to exchange expertise, gain new perspectives, strengthen own competences and expand and deepen networks.

Funding is available for university staff from all areas, e.g. administration, library, departments, International Office, public relations, student counselling, …

Duration of stay: min. 2 days, max. 60 days (provided that sufficient Erasmus+ funds are available).

Activity types:

  • Job shadowing
  • Study visits
  • Participation in workshops and seminars
  • Participation in language courses
  • ...


The application procedure for ERASMUS+ funding for staff moblities is the same for teaching or for training purposes.
The application deadline for all ERASMUS+ staff mobilities is 8 weeks prior to departure.

Our ERASMUS+ funds are limited per year. They will be allocated to our applicants according to the principle "first come, first served".

Before the mobility

  1. Please submit an informal application to the International Office ( by e-mail at least six weeks prior to the planned mobility, describing your project (name of the host institution, programme country, travel duration, means of transport in case of Green Travel (meaning you intend to travel to your destination with sustainable means of transport). After (positive) review of your project through the International Office and provided that sufficient Erasmus+ funds are available, you will receive a preliminary confirmation of funding and the Erasmus+ Mobility Agreement from the by e-mail. If applicable, you will also receive the template for the "Green Travel" declaration of honour together with the preliminary confirmation of funding.
  2. Erasmus+ Mobility Agreement
    Please fill in the Erasmus+ Mobility Agreement, sign it, send it to the host institution by e-mail and have it signed by them as well. Then please submit the form to the International Office (scanned version is sufficient). In case you have applied for "Green Travel" funding as well, the declaration of honour needs to be completed, signed and submitted together with the Mobility Agreement.
  3. Grant Agreement
    After the International Office has received your completed and signed Erasmus+ Mobility Agreement, you will receive a final confirmation of funding including the amount of the mobility grant as well as the Grant Agreement with your personalised details. Please sign the Grant Agreement and submit the original to the International Office at least five working days prior to the start of your stay.
  4.  Business travel authorisation by the West Coast UAS
    Please also submit your business travel application to the business travel office in good time. You will be asked to indicate the amount of the mobility grant from Erasmus+ funds in your application.

Documents to hand in after the mobility

  1. Letter of Confirmation
    Please have your letter of confirmation completed and signed by your host institution, university or company while you are there and hand it in to the International Office after your return.
  2. Online EU-Survey
    Everyone funded by Erasmus+ is required to complete a report in the EU database after their stay abroad. You will receive the link to the survey immediately after your return. You will receive a link to this survey by e-mail immediately after your stay abroad. The sender is replies-will-be-discarded(at) Check your spam folder if necessary.
  3. Please hand in your travel expense report at the business travel office after your return.

The actual travel and accommodation costs will be refunded up to the amount of the confirmed funding. Any deviating costs may have to be covered by other funds.


Funding amount
The ERASMUS+ funding amounts vary depending on the mobility duration, the host country, the travel distance and the means of transportation. Amounts may also vary from year to year depending on the ERASMUS+ funds that are available for the West Coast UAS  per project year.
You will find the exact funding amounts per year on our German language staff mobility pages on ERASMUS+ mobility for teaching and on ERASMUS+ mobility for training (check the dropdown "Berechnung der Förderung").

Planning is everything
We can only advise you to start planning your mobility as early as possible. Please keep in mind that staff mobilities are a lot more individual than the student mobilities following a fixed schedule and process. You will need to get in contact with the host institution first to check for possible dates and an agenda before you can start to apply for ERASMUS+.
For a general overview, please check our online publisher for staff mobility to find out about partnership agreements that include staff exchange (you can search for ERASMUS+ agreements only by clicking "Rahmen" and set it to "Erasmus STA/STT") or make an appointment for consultation at the International Office.

You need to be covered by health, accident and personal liability insurance for the duration of your stay abroad. After your business trip has been authorised, only your working hours abroad will be covered by accident insurance thrugh the West Coast UAS. However, accident insurance cover outside of the official working hours (e.g. going to a restaurant after work) is not provided by the FH Westküste.

If there is no insurance cover through the host institution, you need to ensure sufficient insurance cover yourself. It is possible to participate in the DAAD group insurance at your own expense as part of the Erasmus+ funding. Health, accident and personal liability insurance are included. Further information is available from the DAAD.