Welcome to the West Coast University of Applied Sciences (FH Westküste)! We're happy you chose our university for your stay abroad.

The International Office will help you plan your stay individually. As a first step, please find some general information below.


If you're interested in taking part in a staff exchange to the West Coast UAS, it would be very helpful if you could provide us with the following information and documents:

  • Basic information on your proposed stay (duration, goals)
  • Type of stay e.g. teaching, research, job shadowing etc
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • For teaching mobilities: potential languages of instruction
  • List of publications if applicable
  • Areas of (research) interest

After receiving your initial information, we'll be happy to put you in contact with the relevant departments at our institution for further planning.

The International Office will support you in planning your stay:

  • Help find your Contact persons at the West Coast UAS
  • Advice on Visa (for incoming staff from outside of Europe: please keep in mind that the visa pocess might be lengthy, so please start planning your stay with us early)
  • Assistance with finding accommodation in Heide
  • Information on travelling to Heide
  • Information on the Heide area and our surroundings


Financing your stay

For financing options, please contact your home university. Staff from Erasmus+ partner universities might apply for STA or STT funding. For funding options by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), please check the scholarship database at

Cost of Living

The cost of living highly depends on your spending habits. However, you should calculate with at least 900 - 1000€ per month including accommodation, insurance and food.


Apartments in Germany are generally rented out unfurnished. You should keep that in mind when you make a decision about your accommodation. Landlords might want to see information your financial status and depending on were you're from, organising such certificates (bank statements or like) might take some time. Therefore, please start early when organising your accommodation.
If you did not find a place to stay before your arrival in Heide (Holstein), you are highly recommended to book some overnight accommodation beforehand!