Studieren mit weitem Horizont? ++Hier bewerben.++


The EU Erasmus+ programme promotes the mobility of university staff (both teachers and employees).

In concrete terms, this means a wide range of opportunities to travel abroad:

  • Guest lectureships at partner universities
  • Job shadowing and international exchange with and at our partner universities in other European countries
  • Education and training courses in other European countries
  • Language courses in other European countries
  • ...

In our interactive publisher, employees of the West Coast University of Applied Sciences can find out about the university partnerships with exchange opportunities for employees.

For a stay at partner universities with an Erasmus+ agreement, employees of the West Coast UAS can apply to the International Office for Erasmus+ funding.

If you are planning a teaching stay at a university without an Erasmus+ agreement or a longer teaching stay, it is possible to apply for the programme "Short- and Long-Term Lectureships" (website in German) of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). In the DAAD scholarship database you can also find and apply for other funding opportunities for e.g.  congress trips or other projects.

The International Office is happy to advise you individually on all exchange and funding opportunities.